EUROSPINE Foundation

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Back pain is a common but complex problem with few solutions

The spinal column is a highly-complex organ with structural, mechanical and neuro-physiological functions that work together to allow our autonomy. Although it is the most frequent of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, it is also a condition for which we are often unable to provide an effective and reliable cure.

What causes back and neck pain?

Aging: Degenerative diseases of the back represent approximately 80% of all back conditions.
Injury to the spinal column can have devastating consequences and often occurs in young people. It can leave them paralysed for life and confined to a wheelchair or worse.
Deformity such as scoliosis is another condition seen in both young and elderly patients. The condition can have dramatic effects in terms of general health and daily functioning.
Tumours of the spine can affect the bony structures of the spine as well as the nervous tissue, leading to severe pain and loss of function and interfering dramatically with quality of life and survival.
There is a desperate need to improve the outcome, rehabilitation and recovery for these patients.

The spinal column: a highly complex organ

Understanding the function (physiology) and dysfunction (pathophysiology) is an essential prerequisite to managing and treating all of these conditions. It involves competences, research and resources from most fields of medical science.

Need for research

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the normal and pathological spinal column, fundamental research is required. Only once we have attained this knowledge will we be in a position to properly diagnose and design effective means of treatment for the various spinal diseases.
- website by bestview gmbh page last updated on 30.09.2016